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Health Insurance Guide

Family health insurance: we’ve got you (all) covered

30 October 2023 | By The Kindred Team

As a parent, your worrying is never done. It’s right there in the job description: it’s your responsibility to worry about every single thing, every day…and every sleepless night.

We can’t magic away all those worries. But we can help with a pretty big one, maybe the biggest one of all: your children’s health. We can give you peace of mind that if there’s ever anything wrong with your child, we can get them the right treatment, right away. And we’ll be here to support you throughout, because you need someone to look after you while you’re looking after them.

When you take out a Kindred family health insurance policy that's one massive tick off your worry list. So you can move on to some of the items lower down the list: Did you remember to book in the Maths tutor? Have you got their outfit sorted for World Book Day? Did you add chia seeds to the Ocado order?

Real care for your family

Our health insurance policy has been designed by doctors with families in mind. Here are a few of the things we’ve got covered:

Unlimited virtual appointments with a GP

When your little one’s poorly, you can see an experienced doctor any time of the day or night without leaving home.

It’s quick and easy to book a video or voice call, and you can normally get an appointment within 24 hours. No sitting on hold to your local surgery, and no trying to keep your kid entertained in the waiting room. Your doctor can issue prescriptions and, if a referral’s needed, they’ll send it straight to us so there’s no admin for you to worry about.

Fast-track to the right paediatrician

If your child’s been referred for treatment or tests, we’re here to get them an appointment with the right specialist, first time around. 

When you make a claim, most insurers will send you to someone who practices in the general field, which often means you end up having to go to several different paediatricians before you get the right one. We don’t think that’s fair on your child, or fair on you. So we’ve designed a better way. 

As soon as we get a referral letter, our care team will triage it with a consultant who’s an expert in children’s health and they’ll advise on the best course of action. If the triage consultant thinks an urgent appointment is needed, we can speak directly to the paediatrician to get you in sooner (we have their mobile numbers and we’re not afraid to use them).

Mental health support with no wait list

Getting support for a child who’s struggling shouldn’t be a challenge. Call us and get help from an experienced CBT therapist within just 10 working days.

The Children’s Commissioner has called children’s mental health services “a postcode lottery” - with some children waiting months to get help. With Kindred, family members of all ages can access support from an experienced CBT therapist when they need it. CBT can help with some of the most common difficulties that children are experiencing today, including depression, anxiety, panic disorder and phobias. 

Just give us a call and we’ll arrange a mental health assessment over the phone. If CBT is suitable, your child will be referred to a nearby therapist (normally 5 miles away) for up to 10 sessions, which can be either face-to-face or virtual. They’ll start their sessions within 10 working days and learn how to turn negative patterns into something positive to start feeling better.

Stay by your child’s bedside

Having to stay overnight in hospital can be scary for children - having you there will make it a whole lot better.

We know that, when it comes to your kids, the term “visiting hours” doesn’t apply. That’s why we cover the cost of you staying with your child in hospital, for as long as it’s needed. This benefit is only for children under 16 but if you’ve got older kids you can rest assured they’ll be in excellent hands. We’ll always find a hospital that’s as near to your home as possible, with the highest standards of care.

How much does family health insurance cost?

Not as much as you think! Here’s how to get cover for the whole family at a fraction of the normal cost: join Kindred and kids go free

Yep, every single sprog under 18 is included on your policy for exactly zero pounds. (Well, we capped it at 5 kids but that’s plenty, surely?).

To cover your kids for free, get a quote today 

Who can I add to my family health insurance?

You can add your immediate family to your health insurance policy. That means:

  • Your partner, as long as you live together
  • Your kids, as long as they’re under 21 when your policy starts and they normally live with you (if they’re in full-time education, we up the age limit to 26).

What if I have a baby - will they be added to my policy?

Yes! Just give us a call to let us know; we’ll congratulate you and add your new arrival to your policy for free.

What about my Mum/Dad/Great Aunt Fanny?

The bad news is they can’t go on your policy - they’ll have to get their own. The good news is, if you refer them to Kindred, you’ll both get £50 each to spend at John Lewis or Waitrose. You can refer as many people as you like when you take out a policy; get started now by getting a quick quote.

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